Skin Care: How to Keep Healthy Glowing Skin

How to Keep Healthy Glowing Skin

Mostly of women want to have a healthy, clear and glowing skin from the face to the entire body. Some of us are lucky to be born with that beautiful glowing skin but their s0me who want to make all the efforts to achieve one. The following are some of the natural way to achieve it:

  • Healthy diet must be practice for what you ate is reflected on your skin. Eat plenty of food containing vitamin A and C from fruits and vegetables.
  • Always eat non- fat dairy products.
  • Always keep yourself hydrated with lots of water and fresh juices. It is must to have a minimum two liter intake of water alone.
  • Protect your skin from the sun by applying lotion or cream with a minimum SPF 15 containing product. You may also cover yourself with clothing or umbrella. Bear in mind to avoid prolong exposure to sunlight.
  • To maintain clear and smooth skin you must scrub your skin once or twice a week. Excessive scrubbing might peel off the natural skin moisture.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks.
  • Always have a regular exercise that is balance to your health and lifestyle.
  • Always have a good night sleep. You must avoid having not enough sleep and sleeping late.
  • Avoid too much stress and fatigue.
  • Always smile and laugh with all your heart. Happiness brings out the natural beauty.
  • Never forget that before resting your face must be clean and clear from any make-up and dirt even if you stay indoor the whole day.

Never forget to practice

  • Maintain and practice proper good hygiene.
  • Avoid using strong containing chemicals on your skin.
  • When you using make up always prefer products with mineralized ingredients for the healthy and good for the skin.
  • Practice using naturally made facial masks and scrubs in which you can easily make using ingredients usually seen in your home kitchen.

Homemade Beauty Products

The fast growing need to keep your beauty natural in spite of the modern skin care products readily available in the market which are lot cheaper and safe. People are still opting to natural way of keeping themselves beautiful, for natural beauty is far more exquisite than medically made beauties. These are simple home remedy to help you keep your skin radiantly, healthy and glowing.

1. Oats Honey Ginger Facial Mask


Get a piece of bowl to mix oats, honey and add finely chopped ginger. You can add up more oats until the desired thickness.  Wash face with lukewarm water and gentle facial foam and wipe your face with clean towel. Gently apply it to the face and wait for -10 minutes. Wash face with lukewarm water

2. Blackheads Remover


Brown sugar


Egg whites


Mix a 1 teaspoon sugar, chopped ginger and egg whites. Cleanse your face with lukewarm water and mild gentle facial foam. Pat your face dry with clean towel. Gently apply the mixture on your face and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

3. Papaya-orange Glow


Ripe papaya



Scraped-off the ripe papaya from its skin and place it in a bowl. Squeeze the orange in the bowl and stir them together. Clean your face with lukewarm water and pat dry with clean towel. Gently cover your face with the mixture and leave it on for 5-10 minutes. Rinse it with lukewarm water.


“ A person’s physical beauty only fades as time goes by, what matter most is not physical beauty but on how beautiful you are inside.”

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