Microfinance USA 24 Conference

Microfinance USA will continue to mobilize those involved in The Mission…

The overwhelming success of the 2019 statewide “Microfinance, CA” conference demonstrated the enthusiasm among various players in the private and public sectors for a gathering to exchange ideas and resources to grow domestic microfinance. Microfinance USA will continue to mobilize those involved in and curious about domestic microfinance to help expand the scale and scope of financial services available to disadvantaged families across America. The two-day event will highlight on a national level how microfinance produces jobs, increases incomes, and creates opportunities to build stable and sustainable communities.

The Experience…

This year’s theme, “Find Your Place” will connect practitioners, investors, and individuals across the country who wish to strengthen or spark microfinance activity in their neighborhoods. At the same time, Microfinance USA will inspire and attract new talent and resources looking for a role or an entry into the field at home or abroad. Participants will deepen their understanding of microfinance and broaden their networks through interactive panels and workshops, tours of microfinance borrowers, and networking opportunities.

The Audience…

Expanding on the energy and momentum generated by the 2019 conference, Microfinance USA will bring together 800 – 1,000 investors, policymakers, social entrepreneurs, practitioners, small business owners, and curious individuals to engage with microfinance strategies and practices unique to the United States as well practical applications of international microfinance.

  • Banks and Financial Institutions
  • State and local government representatives
  • Current and prospective individual investors
  • Banks and Financial Institutions
  • CDFIs and MFIs
  • Foundations
  • Social entrepreneurs
  • Students
  • Microenterprise Training Organizations

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