Healthy Summer Diet Plan: beginner diet plan for weight loss for female

The temperature changes that announces the arrival of summer requires slightly modifying our diet in order to adapt ourselves to new nutritional needs. A healthy and balanced diet is easily compatible with the sun and heat if we follow a series of basic guidelines.

The immediate effect of heat is dehydration. When mercury rises, a change in diet is required: more fiber and water allow your body to keep hydrated, clean and nourished.

One of the virtues of Spanish cuisine is the gazpacho. This tasty dish made with vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pepper) and olive oil integrates within itself all the nutritional needs of the summer: is light, hydrating and rich in vitamins. It is also heart-friendly one of the best examples of the Mediterranean diet.

Beat The Heat This Summer With A Healthy Diet

To replace the gazpacho we can always choose cold savory soups, creams and a variety of culinary specialties that combine high nutritional value of water needs required during high temperatures seasons like the vichyssoise (soup made of leeks, potatoes, onions, cream, and chicken)


The salads are also a key element in hot weather diets. Fresh and delicious as they are, salads are the best way to feed and cool during intense summer day. Endive, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, cabbage, red cabbage, beets, carrots, watercress, arugula, cauliflower … variety and potential of vegetables to make salads are endless.

Oily fish may be the perfect complement to a hearty meal. Its high-quality protein combined with essential fatty acids for the body help to regulate cholesterol levels.

Maximum hydration

The bright sun force in a well-hydrated body helps to withstand high temperatures. To do this, we must not only have a diet rich in fresh produce, but you have to drink fluids constantly.

Two liters of water daily is an ideal amount to withstand the ravages of heat, although there are always more attractive to other beverages that complement the water consumption. Fruit juices, for example, have lots of vitamins and minerals, are not caloric and delicious. For its part, iced tea with lemon and sherbet also contribute to hydration of the body without having to worry about the calories.

People who do not have problems with their weight can also enjoy the summer with other soft drinks such as shakes, iced drinks and smoothies, not to mention delicious desserts especially desirable at this time as ice cream, all rich in nutrients and carbohydrates. Whenever possible, avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages as excessive consumption causes a reduction in body hydration.

The best dessert, snack and drink of the summer are fruit. High satiating power and very rich in water, fiber, minerals and vitamins, fruits are good help in the restricted diets, but also to stay hydrated during the summer months.


If our skin is tanned and moisturized, we can use beta-carotene contained in carrot (and, in general, all vegetables that are red, yellow, orange or dark green) to keep the tan for a longer time.

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